This post explores cultural factors that may contribute to child abuse and abusive parenting in Asian families
Can Abusive Parents Change? If So, What Does Change Look Like?
Using my personal experience, I explore whether abusive parents can really change, and if so, what it takes for change to happen and what change looks like.
11 Types of Narcissism & What They Look Like in Toxic Parents
Most narcissists have shared behaviors, but there are variations that may cause them to fall under one of the types of narcissism discussed in this post.
10 Types of Toxic Parents & The Effects They Have
This post discusses the various types of toxic and abusive parents and the effects these parents have on their children.
25 Common Excuses Used by Parents to Abuse Their Children
Common excuses used by abusive, toxic, or manipulative parents as a way to shift blame and justify abusing their children
Gaslighting Parents: Signs, Examples, & How to Heal
This post covers what gaslighting is, signs and examples of gaslighting parents, effects of gaslighting on victims, what self-gaslighting is, and how to heal from it all.
22 Signs of Narcissistic Parents: Is Your Parent a Narcissist?
This post discusses what narcissistic parents mean, how they’re different, and what behaviors, characteristics, and other signs they show.