This post discusses what the gray rock method is, why it’s useful, how to use it with toxic parents, and how it doesn’t always work.
Dealing with Narcissistic Parents During the Holidays
Dealing with narcissistic parents during the holidays and other events isn’t easy. But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t still enjoy yourself.
7 Types of Narcissistic Baiting and How to Deal with It
This post covers what narcissistic baiting is, the different types there are, and how you can deal with each type and protect yourself.
How to Go No Contact with Abusive Parents
What is limited and no contact? When should you choose no contact? How can you prepare for and go no contact with abusive parents?
How to Set Boundaries with a Narcissistic Parent
Learn how to set and maintain boundaries with narcissistic parents, why it’s important for your well-being, and reminders as you navigate this challenge.
16 Ways to Deal with a Narcissistic Parent
Learn various strategies to navigate interactions with a narcissistic parent and protect yourself from their tactics when cutting contact isn’t an option.