Recognize the signs of financial abuse by parents, from controlling your income to exploiting cultural expectations. Explore the lasting impact these behaviors can have on you.

Recognize the signs of financial abuse by parents, from controlling your income to exploiting cultural expectations. Explore the lasting impact these behaviors can have on you.
This post lists and describes 10 different movies featuring domestic abuse and/or child abuse and abusive or toxic parents.
Explore what DARVO is as an emotional manipulation tactic, its effects, how to respond and deal with it, and ways to move forward from it.
This post explores a form of emotional abuse known as enmeshment and its signs, causes, effects, and how to heal.
This post explores cultural factors that may contribute to child abuse and abusive parenting in Asian families
This post discusses what emotional incest is as well as its signs, possible causes, possible effects, and possible ways to heal.
This post covers what triangulation and narcissistic triangulation is, its signs, the effects it can have on you, and how to cope.
The difference between the golden child and scapegoat, why the roles exist, the signs and effects of both, which one’s worse, and how to heal
This post covers what narcissistic baiting is, the different types there are, and how you can deal with each type and protect yourself.
What are parental alienation and its signs? What are the effects it has on the alienated child? How can the child and alienated parent heal from it?